Complex Chronic Disease Management

Complex chronic diseases impact veterans significantly more than the general population, with 60% of Veterans living with long-term health conditions.*

What Is Chronic Disease?

Chronic disease is any condition that persists for three months or more, and refers to conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, chronic back pain and back problems, mental illness like depression, and heart disease. Chronic diseases are more complex than other health conditions precisely because of their persistence. The long-term nature of chronic conditions often trigger further medical issues that require targeted attention. These issues can include pain, the long-term side effects of baseline treatment, and mental health impacts of chronic disease, including depression and stress.

Treatment plans for complex chronic disease need to address all direct and indirect symptoms, and their impacts, alongside identification and treatment of the underlying cause.

Service-Aware Complex Chronic Disease Management

Total Veteran Healthcare implements a multidisciplinary approach to manage complex chronic disease, supported and coordinated by a regular GP. Our Veteran patients benefit from the coordinated input of multiple clinical teams working together to develop a comprehensive treatment response. Through our targeted programs, including our Pain Management Program, we provide access to industry-leading specialists and clinicians to address all aspects of complex chronic disease; physical, emotional, and psychological.

*Australian bureau of Statistics, Service with the Australian Defence Force 2021 Census.

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