Our Services

Esketamine Treatment

The Total Veteran Healthcare commitment to providing comprehensive, multidisciplinary healthcare solutions has led us to provide an innovative treatment for those struggling with treatment-resistant depression.

Esketamine nasal spray, derived from a well-known anesthetic, offers a unique approach to treating depression by targeting glutamate receptors instead of traditional neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. This can lead to rapid mood improvement, often within hours to days.

Treatment typically involves 13 sessions over 8 weeks, followed by maintenance as needed, with adjustments based on individual progress.
Total Veteran Healthcare is dedicated to supporting veterans in overcoming depression. If traditional treatments haven’t worked for you, consider exploring the benefits of our Esketamine Treatment.

Veteran completes
onboard form

Eligibility check

Veteran concierge call

Care plan nurse appointment

treatment commences

Funding approvals

Psychiatrist initial assessment and treatment plan

GP appointment

Veteran completes
onboard form

Eligibility check

Veteran concierge call

Care plan nurse appointment

GP appointment

Psychiatrist initial assessment and treatment plan

Funding approvals

treatment commences